Sunday 1 June 2014

CES 3 - 31/5/14

With the weather being against us over the last week it was the last possible day for CES 3, but it proved to be ideal weather for ringing. The catch was not as large as we would like but the increase on 2013 totals is still providing hope of a better year in prospect.
Anticipating that numbers may be low, we supplemented the usual 6x18m net run in the CES ride with a further 2x18m nets set some distance away in the scrub. This was to ensure we did not interfere with the CES catch and to possibly vary the species count.
Cedwyn and Chris were joined today by Alex for the early part of the session and she was rewarded with a few new species. The highlight being a female Kingfisher:

A little later we caught a male. I guess they must be a bit like London buses. They had been seen regularly patrolling the ringing ride so it was only a matter of time before they would turn up.

 By this time unfortunatley Alex had left.

Our decision to put up extra nets was justified as the last round of the day brought another good bird:

Note the use of a protective bird bag (I have such delicate hands).

Totals for the day:

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